Taputapu ā Kura

School Uniform & Stationery


The school office sells complete stationery packs for new entrant students starting school for the first time. Stationery requirement lists are available from the office for all other students so that parents can purchase books at retail outlets.  Click on the link below to see stationery for your child.

School Uniform

A school uniform is now compulsory for all pupils. The uniform offers a range of options for winter and summer in the school colours, green and blue, and is available from NZ Uniforms, priced as following:

SS Polo$40.00
Rain Jacket$55.00

Elizabeth Street, Tauranga (next to Kathmandu)
Phone 07 985 6213
Store hours: Weekdays 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-4pm

Our pupils are encouraged to take pride in their appearance and grooming at all times and are expected to look after their own gear and clothing. It is helpful if pupils’ clothing and belongings are clearly named so that found property can be returned to its owner.

Jewellery, valuables and toys are not encouraged at school and the school will take no responsibility for items brought to school and mislaid. If special items are required for a particular study, a newsletter providing information will be sent home by the class teacher.

Sun Hats

Sun Hats are a compulsory part of our school uniform.  There is a choice of a wide-brimmed navy hat or a navy bucket hat.  They are to be worn in Terms 1 and 4.  Please ensure that they are clearly named

Lost Property

As the seasons change, clothing is often lost or misplaced.  It is vital that all clothing is named so that it can be returned promptly to its owner.  This is especially important during swimming season and includes towels and other swimming items.  Unclaimed lost property is kept near the school office and is regularly displayed for children to identify and collect.  At the end of each term, unclaimed lost property is removed permanently.

Book Club

At regular intervals, children have the opportunity to purchase books through the Scholastic Book Club. Pamphlets and order forms are distributed to pupils each term. There is no obligation to buy.