Whare Pukapuka


All children are encouraged to read both at school and home. There is ready access to the school library and a host of quality books available.

Where possible, books are also purchased in Te Reo.

Issuing Books

Classes visit the library once a week to issue books, however the library is open before school at 8.30am and also at lunchtime from 1pm-1.30pm for children to come in and browse, return and issue books or just relax. Parents are also welcome to use the library at these times as well. Books are issued for 1 week and can be renewed in that time. Senior students are appointed as librarians.

All children can issue up to 2 books at a time.
Children are encouraged to have a ‘Book Bag’ [ a separate waterproof bag ] to take books home so that they are protected from wet togs, squashed fruit, drinks and sandwiches.

Lucky Book Club Orders

During the term families are offered the opportunity to purchase books through the Scholastic Book Club.  Brochures are sent home and orders must be completed by the set date.  Purchases made in this way also support our school library with a percentage of sales providing books for our library.